Franchising Opportunities with Pie Bar

From Natalie, our founder

Hello! And thank you for visiting our Pie Bar™ franchising website!

If you live or work in the Seattle area, you may have seen one of our pink Pie Bar™ trucks on its way to a business meeting, birthday party, block party, sporting event, or graduation party. Or maybe you’ve visited one of our brick-and-mortar locations for a special serving of pie and your favorite beverage.


Since 2013, the Pie Bar™ has been the talk of Seattle and vicinity! Owner/founder Natalie Bleifuss and her twin sister Alyssa Lewis introduced the unique concept of mixing pie and alcohol with the first Pie Bar™ location in the upscale Capitol Hill section of Seattle.

How this all started, where it has gone and where it is headed makes for an interesting story!

Image Description: A slice of our apple crumble, served with a scoop of ice cream. Our weekly cocktail, Farewell to Summer, is served in a low rocks glass.

Whoever says that pie and alcohol don’t mix must never have been to a Pie Bar™ location!

What exactly is a Pie Bar anyway, you ask?

Here’s what others say about us.

The Seattle newspaper The Stranger describes Pie Bar™ as “The glorious union of pie and booze, (where) patrons enjoy specialty pies, other prepared foods, and beverages.” The Travel Channel calls it “Food Paradise.”  Eater Seattle references Pie Bar™ in its article, “Where to go for delectable pies.” 

We offer several Pie Bar™ franchising options. 

The Pie Bar™ brick -and mortar franchise: Modeled after our Seattle locations, these franchises will require between 800 and 1000 square feet of space, and you’ll offer dine-in as well as takeout. While our Pie Bar™ menu and culture appeal to all ages, we are strongest with the young, upwardly mobile professionals demographic. In Seattle, it’s the Amazon and Microsoft crowd that comprises the larger part of our customer base. But we welcome everyone! Most brick-and-mortar will require a staff of 5 people. We’ll share our strategies on recruiting and retaining talent, outfitting your location with the right equipment, and our special recipes, best practices, and much more.


We're looking for people who have the intrinsic characteristics that you can't teach.  You can't teach someone to be passionate. You can't teach someone to care and you can't teach someone to have a servant's heart.

People considering investing in a franchising opportunity may initially ask, “Why should I buy a franchise?  Couldn’t I simply go out and start my own business?”

Some people do enter the business world in that manner. So, what is the real value of purchasing a franchise rather than “going it alone”?

Do I need prior experience to become a Pie Bar™ franchisee?

Prior business experience is helpful, as is a knowledge of the food service or bartending industry. Regardless of past experience, we are looking for people-focused individuals with energy, passion and an entrepreneurial spirit. We have extensive training programs that will help even if you don’t have formal experience.

Where should I locate my business?

Our understanding of the market has enabled us to understand the kinds of locations that work best for a Pie Bar™ franchise location. Generally, a starting location should have at least 800-1000 square feet of space.

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